Managed Identity for Connecting your Optimizely site to a Database in Azure
Are you using a connection string with username and password to connect to your Azure database? Use managed identity instead!
Are you using a connection string with username and password to connect to your Azure database? Use managed identity instead!
I discovered a form where the form submissions could not be viewed in the Optimizely UI, only downloaded. Learn how to fix the issue.
Do you feel like you're dying a little bit every time you need to click "Options" and then "View on Website"? Do you also miss the old "Globe" in Optimizely CMS? Your prayers have been heard: a NuGet package is available, and the Globe is back!
I recently received a question about how to override the Help text for the built-in Name property in Optimizely CMS, so I decided to document my process for figuring it out...
Do you want full control over the form element markup? Create your own views!
Take control over culture-specific operations like date and time formatting.
Two different XSS vulnerabilities were fixed in the latest update of the NuGet package EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce. Update today!
Not happy with some of the default texts in TinyMCE? Don't worry, simply update them.
Avoid common problems with xml file localization when upgrading from Optimizely CMS 11 to CMS 12.
The menus in Optimizely CMS can be extended using a MenuProvider, and using the path parameter you decide what menu you want to add additional menu items to.
Improvements for Episerver.Labs.LanguageManager! It's now possible to auto-translate both a page and its children at the same time! Additionally, my new extension allows for OpenAI GPT-4o, or any other model from OpenAI, to be used as the translation provider.
Todays update of EPiServer.CMS.Core 12.21.4 alters default sort order in an unexpected way, when you are working with muligple languages and have fallback languages set up. Please do test this throughly, if you want to update.
This Monday, OpenAI rolled out custom versions of ChatGPT that you can create for a specific purpose, called GPTs. It essentially functions as a chatbot with the powers of GPT-4. I used Optimizely Graph semantic search for my first GPT, so I can talk to my blog!
When Optimizely CMS is part of your website, most of your content will probably be translated using the localization features of the CMS. However, a few global texts might be practical to handle outside the CMS. Don't screw it up!
You can now auto-translate content using your favorite online AI service, inside the old trustworthy Episerver.Labs.LanguageManager!
These days, AI is everywhere! Why not put some AI into your database too? What could possibly go wrong?
The NuGet package EPiServer.CMS.Core versions up to 12.16.0 included a reference to SixLabors.ImageSharp. Now, that has ended...
Optimizely CMS 12.22.0 introduced a new menu system and support for Optimizely Identity.
A couple of months ago Optimizely CMS introduced Deep linking from broken links report to Optimizely edit mode! One problem I discovered was that the «Property Name» does not show up in the Link Status report for existing content until you publish a change. I propose a fix!
Previously the Optimizely CMS Link Validation job has used HTTP HEAD to check the status of external links. This has led to a lot of links erroneously being incorrectly listed as broken. As of today, Optimizely has started using HTTP GET!
You may use this addon to generate alt text for your images automatically, which enhances accessibility, SEO, and assists content creators. The addon may also generate other types of relevant meta data.
Optimizely CMS adds deep linking from broken links report to edit mode. Makes it easier to track down those broken links!
Todays update makes it easier to add content directly from TinyMCE!
For years, the Generic PropertyList has been widely used, despite it being unsupported. Today a better option is released!
In the past, we have used different tricks to achieve this. Now, the LinkItem property is finally built-in in Optimizely CMS 12!
When Optimizely released version 12 of their CMS, it was not possible to configure how links should be validated. Now it is!
After upgrading to the latest version of EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce, the dropdown with formats disappears. Learn how to get it back!
With these simple steps, you can now see an Image and its Metadata, including size and dimensions, when editing an Image property in Optimizely Content Cloud 12.
If you have editors that use different languages, you might want localized content type and property names. Learn how it's done in CMS 12.
The default max file upload size in CMS 12 is 4MB. Learn how to increase it!
Not all URLs will work when the trailing slash is added, and that could cause problems. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
The Report Center has been a part of Optimizely CMS since its first debut in version 5R2 in 2008, but in CMS 12, it's removed! Don't despair! Make your own Report Center!
With Episerver.CMS.UI 12.12.0 the Report Center is finally re-introduced in the core product.
Today was the day. I was finally ready for upgrading to Optimizely CMS 12! It did not go very well, because I decided to start by upgrading upgrade-assistant.