Semantic, AI-powered, search is coming to Optimizely CMS

For more than two years I've had access to this new thing that is now called Optimizely Graph. It's been a closed beta since June 2021, first under the name Project GraphQL, later Optimizely ContentGraph – and now Optimzely Graph. Optimizely really likes to update product names!

So, what is Optimizely Graph? It's a GraphQl API, it's fulltext search, and with the new experimental feature it's even semantic AI search!

Now, officially released on September 22nd.

In the (not too distant) future we can all wave goodbye to search tuning and synonym honing, and simply trust the almighty AI.

Want to join the beta?

Want to test it out?

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

The future's so bright, we all should be wearing shades!


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